

Mokari Makka Prints

High quality print on Ilford Washi Torinoko paper.
Hand-torn edges to show the fibers.

Aluminum frame (black) 310x210mm
Off white passe part out 305x205mm
Photo print 175x125mm
Print edition max. 20 prints

The print comes with a certificate of authenticity. Signed edition, including the accompanying photo book ‘Mokari Makka?’

Dutch photographer Thijs Koelink wanders the whereabouts of working individuals within a system full of hierarchy. A chronological, yet fictional journey through a Japanese metropolis. A dynamic visual approach, full of attractions, distractions, comforts and day-to-day discomfort.

Buy the Art Of Reading Print

Structures Prints

High quality Structures prints on Luster paper.
Mounted on aluminium. (various sizes possible)
Framed in black aluminium frame with passe-partout. (various sizes possible)
The prints come with a certificate of authenticity. Signed and numbered. Limited to 20 prints.

Please contact me when interested in a Structures print


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